Earlier this month, the Union Labour and Employment minister, Mansukh Mandaviya announced the government of India's plans to provide social security to gig and platform workers. He said the government is exploring avenues to ensure these workers are covered under social security. To be eligible for social security benefits, these gig and platform workers will have to register on the eShram portal. For platform workers, the aggregators can take the lead and register their partners/workers on the portal. Who is an Unorganised Worker? Any worker who is a home-based worker, self-employed worker or a wage worker in the unorganised sector and also includes a worker in the organised sector who is not a member of the Employee Provident Fund Office (EPFO), Employee State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) and neither is a government employee. Gig and Platform Workers in India According to the National Institute for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog report titled “India's Booming Gig & Platf...